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Modern curtains in the hall

Life without fashion seems boring and dull. Imagine: from year to year you wear the same suits, shoes and handbags, your face is monotonous and does not change makeup. The husband constantly drives a car of the same brand, and in the apartment there is furniture bought once and for all. There is nothing to...Read More

Living room curtain designs 2021

The variety of windowing options can be confusing. Which material to choose? How to match the color according to the design? What trends for the living room have emerged in 2021? And many other questions come to mind when choosing curtains. To deal with this topic, you can simply read this article, which tells about...Read More

Choosing a curtain design for a modern kitchen

The kitchen takes up a significant part of every person’s life. The time spent here cannot be returned. Therefore, it is necessary to decorate the interior of the kitchen space as brightly as possible. A favorable atmosphere depends on this, which will set the mood. The design of curtains for the kitchen plays an important...Read More

How to choose the right curtains for the living room interior

The hallmark of any apartment or house is a beautiful living room. All family holidays are held here. Significant events captured in photographs will remind you of the pleasant, warm relations of the past for a long time to come. The premises of the hall must correspond to the festive mood. At the same time,...Read More

Thread curtains in the interior: tips, photos, materials

Original ideas for home decoration find a new embodiment, including curtains-threads in the interior of a modern home. Sliding rope curtains on the entrance doors of some African and Asian peoples meant that not everyone was allowed to enter. They separated the chambers of the masters from the prying eyes of commoners and servants, created...Read More