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How to create an original aquarium design?

The aquarium is a decoration for any interior. Today it is not just a vessel with fish, but a real work of art, which has been bred into a separate branch of the design direction with several stylistic views. The design of a modern aquarium includes various aquatic compositions of algae, rocks, figures of ships and fish. Before you start decorating an aquarium with your own hands, you need to understand the basics of this art, choose the style in which the aqua design will be made, stock up on the necessary tools.

variant of the original decoration of the aquarium

You can put a piece of wood in the aquarium

idea of ​​unusual decoration for a home aquarium

You can stick a photo on the back of the aquarium

the idea of ​​a bright design of the aquarium

The bottom of the aquarium can be decorated with toys

Basic styles of creating a unique aquarium

There are several stylistic directions in modern water design. But given that this art form is relatively young and dynamically developing, new methods and ideas for decorating an aquarium appear. Below is a table with the main ideas of aquascaping, its features and main components..

option for beautiful decoration of a home aquarium

Aquarium design with algae and stones

option for a bright design of the aquarium

Such tunnels can be made from wood and algae.


Main elements



Densely planted plants of various shapes, colors and designs.

No more than 3 varieties of plants are used, which occupy 70% of the aquarium area;

The design is based on the “rule of thirds”;


Large stones or rock fragments, usually an odd number.

Each of them has its own name and purpose, according to Japanese philosophy.

Zen Garden

Bonsai and Japanese rock garden, driftwood, moss, sandy soil as a symbol of the sky.

All components of this design must comply with Zen rules, have a certain size, shape, quantity and location.


There is an island or driftwood in the center of the aquarium..

Equal attention should be paid to both the underwater and the surface of the aquarium plant..

German (paludarium)

Plants, stones, driftwood above / underwater.

A wide variety of flower plants are used, harmoniously combined both underwater and above water parts of the aquarium.


High vegetation terraces, small figurines and stones.

Full imitation of a live landscape.

the idea of ​​a beautiful home aquarium decoration

An aquarium with colored lights will look very beautiful

idea of ​​unusual decoration of the aquarium

An example of a classic aquarium with stones

variant of the original design of a home aquarium

There must be algae in the aquarium

General instructions for setting up an aquarium

Regardless of the style in which you decide to design an aquarium with your own hands, there are general instructions for quality work. Compliance with these instructions is a guarantee of a bright and multifaceted underwater flora and fauna.

option for unusual decoration of the aquarium

The castle in the aquarium will look very beautiful

option for a bright decoration of a home aquarium

Various items can be put in the aquarium

The main rule is the isolation of fish in a separate vessel for the duration of the implementation of the design idea. In this case, it is important to fill it with water in which the organisms swam. After finishing work, you should pour it along with the fish into a decorated aquarium..

It is also important to clean and disinfect all elements, including those that cannot be replaced. After installing all parts, it is necessary to ensure that all decorative and mechanical components are installed and functioning correctly..

the idea of ​​a beautiful decoration of the aquarium

The branches of the tree in the aquarium will look beautiful

idea of ​​the original decoration of the aquarium

You can decorate the aquarium with stones and shells.

option for unusual decoration of the aquarium

To create a real pond for the fish, you can decorate the aquarium with algae and wood

The nuances of aquarium design

Some secrets of decorating an aquarium with your own hands.

  • When used to decorate items collected with your own hands on the coast or in nature, you need to boil them for 6-8 minutes.
  • To check an element for suitability in aqua design, you need to drop a couple of drops of vinegar on it: if foam appears and a characteristic “hiss” appears, the object should not be used.
  • The background gives the effect of depth. To do this, you can use special backgrounds that are sold in pet stores, or do it yourself – paint the outside of the back wall in a solid, saturated color (blue, green, gray, etc.).
  • Attach decorative components optimally using a fishing line or cotton thread.
  • Do not use oak branches in the decor, as special enzymes are released that can color the water in the aquarium..
  • You can make the effect of an uneven bottom and embankment by placing an ordinary plate on it, imitating an embankment.
  • For small fish, it is better to use shallow soil, and for large waterfowl, the use of a combined bottom will be optimal..

idea for the original decoration of a home aquarium

Stones can be placed in the aquarium

an option for an unusual design of the aquarium

An example of a sand aquarium design

Aquascaping in 50 liters

The 50 liter aquarium decoration is suitable for beginners in aquascaping. These tanks use automated systems for water purification and oxygenation, which greatly facilitates further care. Such a vessel is suitable for slowly growing plants that do not require a lot of light access. A nuance in this design is the regular pruning of algae to ensure sufficient space for living organisms inhabiting it. For a comfortable existence, you need to populate the following types of aquarium fish with the maximum amount in such an aquarium:

  • Guppy – 20;
  • Danio – 10;
  • Swordsmen – 10;
  • Pecilia – 6;
  • Molynesia – 5;
  • Goldfish – 1.

Large inhabitants, such as Balu Sharks, will not have enough capacity for a comfortable existence..

the idea of ​​a bright decoration of the aquarium

Beautiful lighting will additionally decorate the aquarium

the idea of ​​a beautiful decoration for a home aquarium

An aquarium with algae and a tree will look very nice

original aquarium decoration idea

Remember, your fish should have enough room to swim.

Aquascaping in 100 liters

This volume of the vessel expands the boundaries of creativity. Here you can use different aquarium plants, decorating it in the Dutch style, or use a minimum of elements and create aquascaping in the manner of an Iwagumi or Zen garden..

option for unusual decoration of a home aquarium

A small artificial castle can be placed at the bottom of the aquarium

the idea of ​​a bright decoration for a home aquarium

Home aquarium design option

For example, decoration with Eleocharis sp. The Mini will create a soft lawn that does not overgrow and does not require regular trimming. You can also complement the aquarium with a couple of stones and a bonsai-shaped moss snag. To do this, you can use Javanese moss, which is unpretentious in cultivation, and the only requirement for full-fledged growth is an established system of carbon dioxide turnover. In dim light, Javanese moss will have an oblong shape and a lighter shade, in bright light, its texture will be denser, and the shape is more compact and neat..

option for beautiful decoration of the aquarium

An aquarium with algae and pieces of wood will look very nice.

option for a beautiful design of the aquarium

Stones can be added to the aquarium

option for a beautiful decoration of the aquarium

The aquarium can be built into the interior opening

Aqua design in 200 liters

An aquarium like this is the perfect environment for nautical design. This style is the most difficult to create with your own hands, since it requires the use of special equipment to maintain the level of acidity, salt and other indicators of the state of water. An important detail of a marine aquarium is living aquarium stones and plants that prepare the water for the launch of underwater inhabitants, provide it with special minerals and trace elements. It is recommended to lay them directly on the bottom of the aquarium, and not on the sand. As a decoration, you can use real sea corals, completely reproduce the imitation of the ocean floor. An important nuance is to make a phased settlement of living inhabitants: first the fish, several subspecies in 3-4 days, and after 2 weeks you can populate the aquarium with sea corals.

the idea of ​​a bright decoration for a home aquarium

You can put a piece of wood in the aquarium

an option for an unusual decoration of a home aquarium

You can decorate the aquarium with stones

Attention! When designing your aquarium, remember to look after it..

Creating a unique underwater world with your own hands is only the first stage of a long-term work. Like any living organisms, algae and fish need regular care:

  • cut off overgrown algae and plants;
  • clean the glass;
  • vacuum the ground.

If these works are done in a timely manner, harmful nitrates will accumulate in the water and soil, which adversely affect all living inhabitants of the aquatic world. When cleaning the aquarium, it will be optimal to use not chemicals, but a solution of warm water and 5% vinegar.

Video: Decorating an aquarium

50 photos of aquarium design ideas:

variant of the original decoration of the aquarium photo idea of ​​unusual home aquarium decoration picture the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a beautiful aquarium photo option for a bright decoration of a home aquarium picture the idea of ​​a beautiful home aquarium decoration picture option for unusual decoration of the aquarium photo version of the original decoration of a home aquarium photo the idea of ​​a bright aquarium decoration picture the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a beautiful home aquarium photo version of the original decoration of the aquarium picture a variant of the unusual design of the aquarium picture idea of ​​bright decoration of home aquarium photo the idea of ​​a bright decoration of the aquarium picture option of a beautiful decoration of a home aquarium photo the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe original design of a home aquarium photo idea of ​​unusual decoration of a home aquarium photo option for bright decoration of the aquarium picture the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200b beautiful decorating a home aquarium photo version of the original aquarium decoration picture the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a bright home aquarium picture variant of the unusual design of the aquarium photo idea of ​​original decoration of the aquarium photo option for beautiful decoration of a home aquarium picture option for bright home aquarium decoration picture the idea of ​​a beautiful decoration of the aquarium photo the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe unusual design of the aquarium picture idea of ​​bright decoration of the aquarium photo version of the original decoration of the home aquarium picture option of a beautiful decoration of the aquarium photo idea for unusual decoration of a home aquarium picture idea of ​​a bright decoration of a home aquarium photo variant of the original design of the aquarium picture the idea of ​​a beautiful decoration of the aquarium photo option for unusual decoration of a home aquarium picture option of a beautiful decoration of the aquarium picture idea of ​​bright decoration of a home aquarium photo the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe original design of a home aquarium picture option of bright decoration of the aquarium photo option for unusual decoration of the aquarium picture the idea of ​​a beautiful home aquarium decoration photo variant of the original design of a home aquarium photo option of bright decoration of the aquarium picture option of a bright decoration of a home aquarium photo the idea of ​​a beautiful decoration of the aquarium picture version of the original decoration of the home aquarium picture idea of ​​unusual decoration of the aquarium photo option for an unusual home aquarium decoration picture idea of ​​the original design of the aquarium photo option for bright decoration of a home aquarium picture the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe beautiful design of the aquarium picture

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