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What are pods for a coffee machine: advantages and disadvantages, tips for choosing

A true gourmet knows a lot about real coffee, it must be brewed. Thanks to progress and the appearance of a coffee machine, this process has become easier, but the coffee grinder must be well tuned and be able to properly tamp the beans in the holder. It can be difficult for a beginner to cope with a coffee machine, and pods that are used for a coffee machine, quickly gaining authority and recognition, come to his aid..

Pods for coffee machines.

Pods simplify the operation of the coffee machine.

What are pods?

Italy is considered the main consumer of coffee, and it is not surprising that the very name “chalda” is Spanish and translated as “pill”, they were invented there. In 1974, Illycaffe released round-shaped packages containing 7-9 grams of roasted, ground and pressed coffee beans, and they remain so to this day..

Creation of a pod.

The first pods were created in Italy.

With their appearance, the process of making coffee is reduced to the simplest level, you need to put the pod in the coffee machine and press the start button.


When producing pods, companies adhere to standard parameters, the insignificant difference is the quality of the paper used and the modified forms. They are divided by the diameter of the filter bag, depending on the type of coffee machine in which it will be used. Filters with a diameter of 44 mm are designed for a classic portion of espresso using 60 ml of water for preparation. Pods 55mm in diameter are used to prepare a large number of coffee drinks, which may include milk foam, the required volume of water is 150 ml. Thanks to individual foil and sealed packaging, each filter bag retains the taste and aroma of coffee beans.

Pod diameter.

Pods come in different diameters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coffee prepared in pods for a coffee machine has a number of both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

  • ease of use and preparation;
  • sealed packaging retains the aroma of freshly ground coffee;
  • the cost of pods is lower than coffee capsules;
  • it is more convenient to dispose of the used filter bag than coffee grounds;
  • there is no need to clean the filter holder from the thick;
  • no chemical additives are used in the manufacture of pods;
  • has a high and stable taste;
  • economical consumption, one sachet per cup.

The scent of chalda.

Thanks to a special filter, coffee does not lose its natural taste and aroma.

The disadvantages inherent in this product include:

  • the cost is higher than that of ground coffee;
  • in production, grains are not of the highest grade, and the taste does not differ in originality;
  • difficult to change the taste or strength of the drink.

Chelds for coffee price.

The downside of the pod is the high price..

What kind of coffee is packed in pods

Typically, several types of coffee are used in the production of pods, which are blended, ground and subsequently packaged. Elite coffees are not involved in production in this case, because premium coffee is sold exclusively in grain form. Despite this, the filter bags contain the best varieties of coffee beans harvested from plantations around the world..

Chelds for coffee machines.

The pod does not include elite coffee.

Preparation method

The process of making pods goes through several stages. First, the green grains of arabica and robusta are mixed, the use of different varieties allows you to achieve a variety of flavors. They are then heat treated, which is classified into medium to high roast. After that, for two days, the beans are allowed to stand in the fresh air in order to start and successfully complete organic reactions that allow preserving the coffee aroma. At the end, the grains are pressed or crushed into powder, and immediately packed into pods. Carbon dioxide, injected into packages with aluminum foil in the middle layer, allows you to maintain the freshness and aroma of coffee for a long time.

how the pod is prepared.

Pods are made in several stages..

Types of coffee

Manufacturers strive to expand the presented assortment of coffee in pods and create new combinations. Usually, each company strives to provide the buyer with a choice of 15-20 flavors. In addition to coffee, they have now begun to produce tea in pods, which by its taste is many times superior to the packaged one..

coffee pods.

coffee in pods is superior in taste to other types.

The leading brands are as follows:

  1. Buscaglione. They produce three flavors for making espresso, Americano or cappuccino, they also have Decaffeinato in the assortment, prepared using a technology that allows you to extract caffeine.
  2. San Giusto makes pods from Brazilian Arabica and Indonesian Robusta, used for spirits.
  3. Italco comes in two flavors, Assolo with a minimal concentration of caffeine, and an invigorating Concerto saturated with caffeine..
  4. Bristot is suitable for classic espresso, it contains a quarter of Alpine Robusta, and everything else is Brazilian Arabica
  5. ILLY is a high quality brand using high altitude Arabica

Packaging for coffee pods.

Natural material is used for packaging coffee.

How to choose the right pods

When purchasing pods for a coffee machine, in order not to be disappointed in your choice, you should adhere to the following tips.

  • The main role in the taste is played by the place where coffee beans grow; the best varieties are those brought from Ethiopia, Colombia and Costa Rica. Brazilian varieties are distinguished by their strength, and coffee beans from Haiti are distinguished by a sweet aftertaste..
  • It is recommended to choose pods of medium or fine grinding, they have a higher quality of water passing and taste return.
  • It is not worth saving when buying. The higher the quality of the coffee, the higher the price. The best tablets are those with a minimum content of robusta, which is about 20%..
  • The product must be purchased based on the technical requirements and recommendations of the coffee maker manufacturer. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to tasteless and low-quality coffee as a result, as well as to equipment breakdown..

Making coffee pods.

Making coffee with pods will feel like a real pleasure.

Place of growth

The process of growing a coffee tree is laborious, and in order to obtain high-quality beans, the work on coffee plantations is mainly done by hand. The homeland of coffee is Ethiopia; it has been consumed there since the 9th century. Over time, the habitat of coffee trees increased and reached Central and South America, Ethiopia and southeast Asia. In the manufacture of pods, both Arabica from Ethiopia, which has a chocolate flavor, and from India and Haiti, which have a sweetish taste, are involved, coffee beans from Brazil are distinguished by a slight sourness. Consistently the most popular are the grains grown in Colombia and Costa Rica, they are distinguished by their high quality of taste..

Coffee machine on pods.

All you need to make coffee is a pod machine and coffee pods.

Grinding degree

One finely ground compressed tablet within 30 seconds of making a cup of espresso will give the drink all the taste and aroma of coffee beans. Ideal drinks are also obtained from medium-ground grains, the filter bag passes water well, and gives a maximum of useful substances, suitable for both carob and pod coffee makers.

Tea in pods.

In addition to coffee, you can also find tea in pods..

Coffee machine type

Carob or pod coffee makers are used to make coffee from tablets..

Carob, or they are also called holder coffee makers, are the most common type, besides the classic espresso, they can be used to make latte, cappuccino, macchiato. They are divided into two types:

  1.        Boilers with pressure 2 – 4 bar
  2.        Pump pumps with pressures up to 15 bar

Coffee pods.

Pod coffee machine.

There is a filter in the holder of the carob coffee maker, which is filled with coffee of the finest grind, or you can put one bag of pod coffee. Suitable for these machines is a pod marked E. S. E. (Easy Serving Espresso), having a diameter of 44 mm, weighing 7 grams.

Pod coffee makers only work with filter bags that are loaded into a special tank, and in less than a minute you can enjoy your coffee. After preparation, there is no need to clean the machine thanks to the filter bag that does not let the coffee pass through, and the tank remains clean.

How a pod coffee machine works.

Most pod coffee machines run completely silent.

Note! Do not put unpackaged ground coffee into the pod cup.

Pod coffee makers

The first in the invention of pod coffee machines was the Nespresso company, along with the machine, its own line of pods was released. In Russia, Kuppo took over this in 2004. At this time, the range of coffee machines is extensive; Philips, ARIETE, Tassimo and other companies are engaged in their production. The pricing policy for these coffee makers is extensive, you can purchase a budget option for one and two pods for 3000 rubles, or you can please yourself with a model with a built-in cappuccino maker in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Making coffee in pods.

coffee pods can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Selection Tips

Choosing a coffee maker for your home based on reviews on various sites is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account what characteristics of quality, functionality and reliability are required, and how much you are willing to pay for them..

Considering that the pod coffee machine does not give room for making coffee, and the taste and quality depends on the “tablet” used, so when choosing you can rely on a set of additional functions, the brand of the manufacturer and the technical capabilities of the machine.

Types of coffee in pods.

There are more than 15 types of coffee pods on the market.

Having considered in detail what pods for a coffee maker are, we can come to the conclusion that this invention of sagacious Italians is indispensable for those coffee connoisseurs who plan their time, because the cooking process does not require special skills and abilities, does not take much time.

Video: Pod coffee machine

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