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How to use AI in digital advertising


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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the talk across various industries today—and there’s currently no shortage of speculation or articulated benefits in this space.

While you may have already explored the capabilities of ChatGPT, Bard or another AI-enhanced tool to generate content for a new email, brainstorm topics for your next blog article—or to gain efficiency in another digital advertising task—there’s a variety of benefits you may not have tapped into, or even thought of yet. One thing is for certain, all of these advancements in AI promise at least one thing to advertisers: massive time-savings.

In an ‘always on’ era, marketers need efficiency and variability in messaging

Google Search, Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest and YouTube; marketers are always on these days as there’s no shortage of channels to engage on. While that allows today’s advertisers to reach a wider audience, some challenges come with keeping up with a laundry list of platforms.

One key challenge is how to customize your message to each user base. Since tonality inherently differs across the array of platforms, the time you have each day quickly dwindles when you alter your message to fit every audience on various channels.

This is one of the many areas where AI can shine. Users can quickly save on keystrokes— keywords, headlines and body text—by prompting AI-based tools to help them generate variation in their message or inspiration to motivate their creativity. While digital advertisers will still need to keep their pulse on compliance or any arguable language that may arise, they still achieve greater efficiency, thus leaving more time to focus on strategic work.

Why human supervision remains paramount: the argument of attended vs. unattended AI

While AI replaces the need to focus on mundane tasks, we do not believe it’s a full replacement for the human touch. Since there’s complexity across brands, organizations and states, even if you rely on AI to generate content, you still need a middle-person to ensure the generative language is compliant and safe. We repeat: AI-enhanced tools are not a full replacement for human work.

This is where organizations will see the most opportunity: by combining the opportunity of AI with the integrity of human power, you can gain efficiency, reduce costs and focus precious brain power and resources on the areas of your business that contribute most to your bottom line.

AI can help you with the last mile of your creative

AI is great at generating keywords, headlines and even helping you brainstorm some creative angles for your messaging. While it’s all that—and a little bit more—it’s not going to generate the same level of quality for long-form content that a human will. We like to think of AI as the assistant to creative teams in helping them with the last mile of their strategy.

The industry today has high expectations for individual output, but it’s not sustainable for one single person to keep up with client relations, traditional marketing and technical responsibilities. Those unrealistic expectations, however, start to become management when you have automation powering aspects of your strategy and workflow.

Keep a pulse on your margins with the help of automation

Digital advertising often correlates to large budgets. When relying solely on people to manage your margins, human error can quickly cost your business hundreds of thousands of dollars. Think of it this way—if you have a sale or promotion running around a major holiday, that sale ends, and someone forgets to remove that ad placement, what happens when it’s discovered? These potential risks can drastically reduce or mitigate these risks so you no longer have to issue credits on outdated ad copy promoting past sales or promotions.

You see the benefits, not it’s time to automate

Automation is already making businesses radically more efficient and profitable. If you have been curious about harnessing the power of AI in digital advertising, or you’re already working with a partner, but they’re struggling to help you scale, we would love to share how our platform can help form the backbone of your ad agency’s present and future success.


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