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Reminder – Google Optimize sunsets this weekend


Google Optimize will not be available after Sept. 30.

This means you will no longer be able to create or edit experiments, personalizations, or view experiment reports after this date.

However, you will still be able to run A/B tests in Google Analytics 4.

Why we care. Moving forward, you will need to use GA4 to conduct A/B testing and optimize your website or app’s user experience. This may prove problematic for some marketers as many are still grappling with the navigation of the new analytics platform following the sunset of Universal Analytics.

Why is Google Optimize sunsetting? Google explained that although Optimize is a longstanding product, the platform does not have features and services that customers need for experimentation testing. The search engine therefore decided to invest in solutions that will be more effective for customers instead.

Access your data. You can still access your data. Be sure to download it from the Optimize user interface before September 30.

Testing in GA4. Google has been working on integrations with the following A/B testing providers:

The search engine is making its APIs publicly available so that anyone can integrate their A/B testing tool with GA4 in the coming months.

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What has Google said? A Google spokesperson said in a statement:

  • “We launched Google Optimize over 5 years ago to enable businesses of all sizes to easily test and improve your user experiences.”
  • “We remain committed to enabling businesses of all sizes to improve your user experiences and are investing in third-party A/B testing integrations for Google Analytics 4.”
  • “Your experiments and personalizations can continue to run until Sept. 30 Any experiments and personalizations still active on that date will end”

Dig deeper. Read Google’s announcement in full for more information.


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